Introduction to Computers

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"Introduction to Computers" tutorials have been created with the intention of providing basic information about a computer, printer and an email account. These cover information on parts of computer, connections between various components and devices, printer configuration, creating an email account (gmail), sending an email, receiving an email, sharing via Drive, etc.

We hope that this will give everyone general information about the world of computers.



Basic Level

  1. Getting to know computers
    • The various components of a computer
    • To connect the various components of computer
  2. Printer Connection
    • How to connect printer to a computer.
    • Configuring the settings.
    • Test print.
    • Printing a pdf document.
  3. Introduction to Gmail
    • Create a new google account
    • Login to gmail using the google account
    • Write an email
    • Send an email
    • View an email and logout of gmail.
    • We will also learn about some of the important mailboxes like Inbox
  4. Compose Options for Email
    • The email recipients, namely, To, Cc, Bcc.
    • Format the email text.
    • Attach files to emails.
    • Share files via Google Drive.
    • Insert a photo or link into an email and about the Compose window options
  5. Google Drive Options
    • Options available in Google Drive like:
    • Creating a document, a spreadsheet and a presentation
    • Uploading files & folders
    • And Sharing options like:
      • Can View
      • Can Comment
      • Can Edit

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, PoojaMoolya